Wrap Gen0 Kitties by EtherScan
1 Get id of your Gen0 kitties
1.1 Login https://cryptokitties.co
1.2 Click menu "My Kitties".
1.3 Click "Search" button.
1.4 Input “0” in the Gen option.
2 approve to Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract
2.1 Click: https://etherscan.io/token/0x06012c8cf97bead5deae237070f9587f8e7a266d#writeContract
2.2 Click “Connect to Web3”
2.3 approve your Gen0 kitty to Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract
Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties(721WG0) contract address:
Input Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract address and your Gen0 kitty id, then click "Write" button and confirm in your wallet.
3 Wrap old NFT to Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFT
3.1 Click Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xaFe9459dcab91dAD2447D5A159091156749941fB#writeContract
3.2 Click “Connect to Web3”
3.3 Input your Gen0 kitty id approved last step,click “Write” button and confirm in your wallet.
3.4 Check your Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFT on opensea
After the transaction is confirmed , you can check you Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFT on opensea : https://opensea.io/collection/721wg0
4 Batch wrap old NFTs to Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFTs
4.1 Approve your Gen0 kitties as Step2 one by one.
4.2 Click Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xaFe9459dcab91dAD2447D5A159091156749941fB#writeContract
4.3 Click “Connect to Web3”
4.4 Input your Gen0 kitty IDs approved in step 4.1,click “Write” button and confirm in your wallet.
5 Others
5.1 Unwrap your Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFT to old NFT
5.1.1 Click Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xaFe9459dcab91dAD2447D5A159091156749941fB#writeContract
5.1.2 Click “Connect to Web3”
5.1.3 Input your kitty ID of Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties,click “Write” button and confirm in your wallet.
You can also batch unwrap your Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties by `batchUnwrap` function:
5.2 Swap from ERC-20 WG0 to Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFT
Click here for detail of ERC-20 WG0.
Relative contract addresses:
ERC-20 WG0 contract:0xa10740ff9FF6852eac84cdcfF9184e1D6d27C057
Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract: 0xafe9459dcab91dad2447d5a159091156749941fb
5.2.1 execute approve on ERC-20 WG0 contract, approve Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract can transfer your ERC-20 WG0 token.
Input params of approve function:
spender : 0xafe9459dcab91dad2447d5a159091156749941fb (Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties)
amount: 10000000000000000000000000
5.2.2 execute "swapFromWG0" function on Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract,swap ERC-20 WG0 tokens to Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFTs.
The swap amount should be less or equal than your WG0 amount.
The receiver address will be the owner of Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFT
The owner of kittyIds should be WG0 contract and the generation of kitty should be Gen0, find the available kitty ids by this link.
5.3 Swap from Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFT to ERC-20 WG0
Execute "swapToWG0" function on Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract to swap Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFTs to ERC-20 WG0. The owner of kittyIds should be your wallet address.
5.4 Swap from ERC-20 WVG0 to Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFT
Click here for detail of ERC-20 WG0.
Relative contract addresses:
ERC-20 WVG0 contract:0x25c7b64a93eb1261e130ec21a3e9918caa38b611
Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract: 0xafe9459dcab91dad2447d5a159091156749941fb
5.4.1 execute approve on ERC-20 WVG0 contract, approve Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract can transfer your ERC-20 WVG0 token.
Input params of approve function:
spender : 0xafe9459dcab91dad2447d5a159091156749941fb (Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties)
amount: 10000000000000000000000000
5.4.2 execute "swapFromWVG0" function on Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract,swap ERC-20 WVG0 tokens to Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFTs.
The swap amount should be less or equal than your WVG0 amount.
The receiver address will be the owner of Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFT
The owner of kittyIds should be WVG0 contract, the generation of kitty should be Gen0 and the kitty should be virgin,find the available kitty ids by this link.
5.5 Swap from Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFT toERC-20 WVG0
Execute "swapToWVG0" function on Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract to swap Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties NFTs to ERC-20 WVG0. The owner of kittyIds should be your wallet address and the kitty should be virgin.
6 Contracts Source Code
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