The Test Steps of Wrapped Gen0 on Testnet
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1.1 Click
1.2 Click “Add to MetaMask”
You need open the discord link to apply test tokens by discord.
3.1 Click
3.2 Click “Connect to Web3”
3.3 Click the "Write" button below "5. mintTop3000" and confirm in MetaMask. You can click several times to mint more test NFTs.
4.1 Click
4.2 Connect your wallet on OpenSea
4.3 Click Owner-> Me to check your NFTs
5.1 Click:
5.2 Click “Connect to Web3”
5.3 approve your test NFTs to 721WG0 contract
721WG0 contract address:
6.1 Click 721WG0 contract:
6.2 Click “Connect to Web3”
6.3 Input your test NFT id approved last step,click “Write” button and confirm in your wallet.
After the transaction is confirmed , you chan check you new 721WG0 NFT from opensea testnet :
7.1.1 Click 721WG0 contract:
7.1.2 Click “Connect to Web3”
7.1.3 Input your new 712WG0 tokenId ,click “Write” button and confirm in your wallet.
Wrapped CryptoKitties contract is different from the Wrapped Gen0 CryptoKitties contract, any kitties can be wrapped to Wrapped CryptoKitties contract.
Wrapped CryptoKitties contract address:
The steps is similar to wrap 721WG0NFT, when approve on the original test NFT contract,you need approve to the Wrapped CryptoKitties contract address:
Relative contract addresses:
Orignal Test NFT contract:0x8f14033f6d58447995ceea31d983ebf7b63868b8
ERC-20 WG0 contract:0x183ad924bf1d2375c7b317f3de031743303aa768
ERC-721 721WG0 contract: 0x9467063d8a25b6eea9cc39a270878d92e4559816
Test steps:
7.3.1 approve your test NFT id to WG0 contract on Test NFT contract .
WG0 contract address: 0x183ad924bf1d2375c7b317f3de031743303aa768
7.3.2 input the kitty id array on WG0 contract , execute depositKittiesAndMintTokens function.
_kittyIds input example: [101,102]
The NFTs should be yours.
7.3.3 execute approve on WG0 contract, approve 721WG0 contract can transfer your WG0 ERC-20 token.
Input params of approve function:
spender(721WG0): 0x9467063d8a25b6eea9cc39a270878d92e4559816
amount: 10000000000000000000000000
7.3.4 execute "swapFromWG0" function on 721WG0 contract,swap WG0 tokens to WG0NFT。
The swap amount should be less or equal than your WG0 amount.
The receiver address will be the owner of 721WG0 NFT
The owner of kittyIds should be WG0 contract,find the available kitty ids by this link.
7.3.5 execute "swapToWG0" function on 721WG0 contract to swap 721WG0 NFT to ERC-20 WG0. The owner of kittyIds should be your wallet address.
The steps is similar to 7.3. You need to change "WVG0" to "WG0", change "swapFromWG0" to "swapFromWVG0", change "swapToWG0" to "swapToWVG0".
Relative contract addresses:
Orignal Test NFT contract:0x8f14033f6d58447995ceea31d983ebf7b63868b8
ERC-20 WVG0 contract:0xa011e0a4afde8a55d8ae2cb2cba02026b023f51e
ERC-721 721WG0 contract: 0x9467063d8a25b6eea9cc39a270878d92e4559816